The first step after creating a blog or a website is to submit it to Google so that your page can be discovered by your potential readers.

But, what if your page is not visited by Google bots
What if it is never shown in the Google search results.
It’s scary. Right!
Well, read this guide to make sure how you guide GoogleBot's to 
crawl your site effectively so that you are not left unmapped by 
Before, we start, let’s get familiar with two words: 
Crawling and Indexing
Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers new 
and updated pages to be added to the Google index.
 When a Googlebot visits your website it detects links on each 
page and adds them to the list of pages to crawl. 
If your site has got a very authority your pages will get indexed by 
Google within a few minutes. Below are some useful tips to get
 your pages indexed by Google effectively.

How to make Search engine bots crawl your site effectively:

1. Create and submit a Sitemap to Google:

Even if your site is already indexed in Google, submitting a sitemap will give Google a better way to understand your site.

If you are using WordPress use any of the plugins (Google XML sitemap)that can create a sitemap for you. Also, place your sitemap
link in your robots.txt and in your sitemap file, as it will help 
Google bots to crawl your website effectively.

2. Register for Google Webmasters Tools and check the crawl 

error page frequently:

The crawl errors page provides details about the URLs on your 
site that Google couldn’t access. So you can fix the errors once 
you know the problem area. Harsh has covered a detailed article on understanding Google WebMaster tools crawl errors and using
 it, you can find why bots are facing an issue with the crawling of 
your website.

3. Robots.txt:

Make sure that the required URL’s are not blocked by robots.txt 
file or meta tags. If you are not sure about robots.txt file use the 
Webmasters Tools to create a robots.txt for your website/blog. 
Also, block bots access to those parts of the Website, which is 
not important for search engines. Hint: your admin folder.

4. Image and video sitemap:

Search engines cannot understand images and videos. So if your 
website has a good number of images or videos try to provide 
relevant information about them. For images, you need to add an 
ALT tag, which could easily by done with the help of an “SEO 
friendly images” plugin. For videos, you can create a video sitemap and submit it to Google.
Other articles which will help you to crawl your website effectively
 are :
Link building, Anchor text technique, Blog post roundup
These are just some of the tips which will help you to get your 
site crawled by Google effectively. If you have any other tips then
 do share them with us.

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